What your child is experiencing when you remarry?

What your child is experiencing when you remarry?

Loss. As their parents date, develop serious relationships, and eventually decide to remarry, children may be reminded of their original family and of the life they once had with their mother and father. Some children may show signs of increased attachment to the parent who is getting married.

How do I get my child to accept a new partner?

The best thing you can do is to take your time, do things progressively and tell your children bit by bit so they can accept and digest all that information as they go along. After all you have to start somewhere, and you will be happy and relieved you told the truth at the right time. Give yourself some time.

How long should you date before a second marriage?

Stollman recommends waiting at least six to eight months before you assume you know anything solid about the person you’re dating — even if you’ve known each other for many years before. “Have we battled a storm together?”