Can you date after divorce papers are filed?

Can you date after divorce papers are filed?

Can I date after filing for divorce? Yes, you can. And many people do. The courts will probably not pay any attention to allegations by one spouse that the other has gone out with someone else whether it allegedly occurred before or after filing the divorce.

What happens if ex does not follow divorce decree?

If your ex-spouse violates any aspect of the final decree of divorce, you can file a motion for contempt of court. The motion must state what areas of the final decree have been violated and why the ex-spouse should be held in contempt of court. The burden of proof during a contempt hearing is on the injured party.

What should I ask for in a divorce decree?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! Specifics about support. Life insurance. Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. A plan for the sale of the house.