Can you sue for a broken heart?

Can you sue for a broken heart?

The “broken heart law”, as it’s known, means if your spouse cheats during your marriage, you can sue the person they cheated with for damages – sometimes for millions. Ouch. But if you come between two spouses, you’re the one at risk of being up for millions.

Can I sue someone for destroying my marriage?

According to WFMY News 2, is a common law tort, or a wrongful act. A spouse can sue a person who they claim damaged and broke up their marriage. So, if a third party has inserted themselves into your marriage in some way and destroyed the love and affection in your marriage, you have a remedy available..

Can you sue someone for breaking off an engagement?

Once upon a time, under breach-of-promise-to-marry theory, a woman had the right to sue her former fiancé for breaking off their engagement. As one commentator has explained: The law presumed that a man who breached his promise was a scoundrel and the woman was both justifiably outraged and faultless.