How can you prove emotional distress?

How can you prove emotional distress?

Evidence to prove emotional distress includes witness testimony, documentation and other evidence related to the accident. For example, you may provide your own testimony of flashbacks, inability to sleep, anxiety, and any other emotional injuries that you have associated with the accident.

How does adultery affect divorce in California?

California is a no-fault divorce state, meaning the family court judge is not allowed to consider fault when making major determinations regarding property, custody and other divorce issues. Unfortunately, adultery alone will not result in direct legal consequences for the adulterous party in California.

How do you prove cheating in a divorce?

In order to prove adultery, there is no prerequisite that the other spouse gets “caught in the act,” or that there be photos or other physical evidence of the affair. Instead, as with all civil actions, a court must be satisfied on a “preponderance” of credible evidence that adultery has taken place.

What proof do you need to prove infidelity?

If you have direct evidence, which can be eyewitness accounts or photographs of the adulterous act, then you should be able to prove adultery. However, direct evidence is usually hard to come by because the spouse committing adultery is often keeping a low profile and cheating in private.