What does Muckspout mean?

What does Muckspout mean?

a muckspout is someone who uses a lot of cursing.

What does Rondure mean?

1 : round sense 1a. 2 : gracefully rounded curvature.

What is a Thrapple?

Scottish. : throat, windpipe —used especially of the horse.

What is the definition of a Ninnyhammer?

noun. a fool or simpleton; ninny.

Does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean?

adjective. informal. Extraordinarily good; wonderful. ‘the only word to characterize Kepler’s discoveries was ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” ‘a supercalifragilistic day of fun’

What does Twattle mean?

to talk

What is a nincompoop?

informal. : a stupid or silly person : fool, simpleton …

Is Schmuck a bad word?

Although schmuck is considered an obscene term in Yiddish, it has become a common American idiom for “jerk” or “idiot”. It can be taken as offensive, however, by some Jews, particularly those with strong Yiddish roots.

What is the meaning of Flumadiddle?

1 : something foolish or worthless : nonsense, trash. 2 : bauble, frill.

What is a Crapulous person full of?

1 : marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking. 2 : sick from excessive indulgence in liquor.

What does Smellfungus mean?

a captious critic

What does milk sock mean?

a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated: a milquetoast who’s afraid to ask for a raise.

What does portmanteau mean?

Portmanteau word, also called blend, a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, such that the portmanteau word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.

What are the three types of compound words?

Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Sometimes, more than two words can form a compound (e.g., mother-in-law).

How do you join two words together?

A portmanteau is a word that is formed by combining two different terms to create a new entity. Through blending the sounds and meanings of two existing words, a portmanteau creates a new expression that is a linguistic blend of the two individual terms.

What is it called when you put two names together?

Name blending or meshing is the practice of combining two existing names to form a new name.