Can a 16 year old choose which parent to live with in Kansas?

Can a 16 year old choose which parent to live with in Kansas?

If the child is a teenager, the judge may be willing to consider the child’s wishes as to residence and the child’s reasons. There is no specific age when a child gets to decide where they live, but generally, the older the child, the more weight that child’s desires are given by the court.

At what age can a kid decide which parent he wants to live with?

There is no specific age at which you can decide where you want to live. The answer to this depends on your situation. The courts may seek a child’s opinion when the child is 12 or older. There have been some cases in which the child’s opinion was considered when the child was under 12.

What age can a child decide which parent to live with in NYS?

18 years old

Will a judge split up siblings?

A judge typically won’t separate siblings simply because it suits one parent or the other. However, if breaking up the band truly does serve the children’s best interests, it can happen. For instance, if a brother and sister are unable to safely live in the same place, a judge may separate siblings.

Can a 9 year old decide which parent to live with?

In making a child custody determination, 12 is the minimum age at which the child may express a preference to the court regarding the parent with whom that child prefers to reside. Furthermore, the child must express a reasonable preference.

What would cause a mother to lose custody?

The following will constitute abusive behavior that will cause a parent to lose custody, if a custody action is brought by the co-parent: Verbal abuse of child or of the co-parent in front of the child. Parental alienation of the co-parent. Physical or emotional abuse of the co-parent in front of child.

Can I lose custody of my child for marrying a felon?

Misdemeanor crimes, can become felony charges when the crime is repeated often enough, and they are caught repeatedly. Any parent can lose custody of a child if they are reported to CPS and an investigation is made. A person that has felony convictions, has served some time in jail or prison.

Can a convicted felon get full custody of a child?

You can get child custody if you have a felony record, though it will be difficult. Ultimately, a judge makes custody determinations on the basis of what is in the child’s best interests, and your criminal record will definitely be something the judge considers.

Do incarcerated fathers have rights?

While they may lose various civil rights during their time in prison, their access to the family court system is retained. Imprisoned parents can still ask the courts for a specific and realistic plan for contact with their kids, whether that be in person visits or phone calls or letters.

How can a father take a child from the mother?

You may file a petition to establish custody or paternity depending on whether you are married or not married to the other biological parent. Your family law petition will address the Juvenile or Family Court which may order the other parent to return the child or children to you.

Can a dad keep his child from the mother?

Sometimes taking your child from you is a crime, like “parental kidnapping.” But if you are married, and there is no court order of custody, it is legal for the other parent to take your child. If you have sole physical custody, the other parent may not take your child away from you.

How far away can a parent move with a child?

There is no set geographical distance dictating exactly how far away you can move with your child, but but if that distance is deemed to significantly affect the other parent’s ability to have a meaningful relationship with the child, then the court will need to establish if the move is in the child’s best interests.

Can my ex stop me from moving away?

Probably – A move across town is not likely to result in an objection. However, while your ex-spouse cannot prevent you from moving, any custodial parent contemplating a long-distance move away from an involved non-custodial parent should think long and hard before making that decision.