Do I have to go to court for uncontested divorce in Florida?

Do I have to go to court for uncontested divorce in Florida?

In a Florida uncontested divorce, the attorney draws up a Marital Settlement Agreement which the parties sign. And the parties then go to Court for a very short final hearing. (It is usually not necessary for both parties to attend the final hearing.) The cost of an uncontested divorce in Florida should be minimal.

What is divorce uncontested?

An uncontested divorce is a divorce decree that neither party is fighting. When both parties in a married couple agree to divorce, filing for an uncontested divorce can save time and money through streamlined court procedures. The couple must: Not have any financial disputes (such as child custody or alimony)

Is it OK to date others while separated?

Can I Date During My Separation? Yes, you can date someone else after you separate from your spouse. There is nothing illegal or wrong about dating while married and waiting for your divorce as long as you are living separate and apart.