Do you need to keep old divorce papers?

Do you need to keep old divorce papers?

You should keep copies of all your divorce-related financial paperwork for tax purposes and if you’re paying or receiving child or spousal support. The court may need to see the financial documentation from the divorce to determine whether circumstances warrant a change in the support order.

Why would my ex want your marriage certificate?

Maybe she’s trying to prove they were once married. Maybe she’s just trying to fill in some missing documents for her personal records. If they had any children together, maybe she needs it to sue him for child support.

Why is marriage certificate necessary?

A marriage certificate helps an individual in proving they are legally married to someone, especially beneficial for getting a passport, visa, work permit, etc. if their spouse lives abroad. It is also beneficial in availing life insurance benefits, family pension, bank deposits, etc.

How long should I keep paperwork for?

Generally speaking, hang onto bills and bank statements for at least two years, and insurance documents as long as they are valid. When it comes to tax-related paperwork like pay slips, P45s and so on, HMRC suggests keeping them for at least 22 months from the end of the tax year they relate to.

Is it safe to throw away old bank statements?

You should probably keep hold of credit card and bank statements for a year but you can throw away other household paperwork like utility bills.

What should you not shred?

Be sure to lock up any important documents that you don’t shred, including birth and death certificates, adoption papers, marriage and divorce papers, citizenship papers, Social Security cards, tax-related documents, deeds and titles, and financial statements.

How do you destroy documents without shredding?

Pulping is a fairly labor-intensive, but highly effective way to get rid of old sensitive documents. For this method, you’ll need bleach and a tall, bleach-resistant trash can. Add a half gallon of bleach to the trash can. Bleach breaks down paper and destroys ink, so it’s great for rendering your documents unreadable.