How do I look up court cases in NH?

How do I look up court cases in NH?

You can obtain a PACER login on-line or by calling (800) 676-6856. If you have a PACER account, you may login to the court’s electronic case files. You may also view the court’s electronic case files free of charge at the public terminals in the clerk’s office.

Is adultery illegal in New Hampshire?

In 2014 New Hampshire repealed its law against adultery. Prior to that change adultery was a misdemeanor, although the law was almost never enforced. Some states still have criminal laws against adultery.

How long does divorce take in New Hampshire?

2-8 weeks

Is New Hampshire an alimony state?

On Janu, New Hampshire’s new alimony laws went into effect. Alimony refers to court-ordered payments awarded to a former spouse as part of a divorce agreement. New Hampshire courts often award alimony to the spouse who made a lower income or no income at all.

Is NH A no fault divorce state?

New Hampshire is technically a “no-fault” divorce state. This means that neither party has to prove that the other is more at fault in causing the breakdown of the marriage. It is possible to file for divorce based on grounds other than irreconcilable differences.

How do I file for divorce in NH without a lawyer?

Documents are filed at the Clerk of Court’s office in the courthouse. To file your Petition you must submit to the Clerk’s office the original signed and notarized Petition along with 2 copies. You will also need to pay a filing fee. If you are low-income, you can file a Motion to Waive Filing and Service Fees.

What are the divorce laws in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Courts Divide Property Equitably – not Necessarily Equally. In Massachusetts, courts may divide “marital” property equitably (fairly) between the spouses upon divorce. Marital property includes any income, assets, and property acquired by either spouse during the marriage.