How do I pay child support in Kansas?

How do I pay child support in Kansas?

Payments can be mailed to the Kansas Payment Center, PO Box 758599, Topeka, KS 66675 or can be made online by visiting the KPC Website. Make sure to include your SSN and case number to ensure proper credit. Payments are provided to the custodial parent by direct deposit or on a debit card.

How long do you pay child support in Kansas?

For Kansas orders, current support lasts until the child is emancipated (reaches adulthood). For most children, that is their 18th birthday. If a child turns eighteen while still attending high school, the child’s current support order automatically continues until the end of that school year.

Why is child support based on income?

The child support income of both parents is used to calculate their child support assessment. A parent’s share of the parents’ combined child support income indicates the share of the costs of the child they are responsible to meet. This is an ‘income shares’ approach and treats both parents’ incomes in the same way.

Can child support be reduced if custodial parent makes more money?

So, yes, if the custodial parent gets a substantial raise, child support could go down. But this is rarely the case since they keep on raising child support, and if the parent who is loosing his shirt thinks he can get a reduction.