Can you hide money in a divorce?

Can you hide money in a divorce?

Hiding assets during a divorce is sneaky, unethical and illegal – and it happens much more frequently than most women suspect. Many couples have complex financial portfolios. Not only can this be used to help determine alimony and child support, but it also serves as a tool to help detect hidden assets or income.

What can I do if my ex wife won’t sell the house?

One way of going about selling your house when one partner refuses is to come to an agreement to release your responsibility of the mortgage and have your ex buy out your share of the property. If neither of you can come to an agreement, however, you can also choose to settle the matter in court.

Can I buy my wife out of the house?

Yes, you can remove your partner from your home loan. However, you’ll need to be able to qualify for the mortgage on your own. If you qualify then: You can refinance and extend your mortgage to 95% of the property value.