Do Your Own Divorce in Kentucky?

Do Your Own Divorce in Kentucky?

In order to file for divorce in Kentucky, the person filing (the petitioner) must be a resident of Kentucky for at least 180 days. You may file in Circuit Court in the county where either you or your spouse resides. The most simple procedure is an uncontested divorce.

Is a sexless marriage grounds for a divorce?

A sexless marriage can survive. Though, according to Douglas, a lack of intimacy should still be taken seriously. “While sex does not define or keep a marriage together it can cause additional relationship issues related to anger, isolation, infidelity, and those could end in divorce,” she says. Dr.

How much is average child support in KY?

The percentages are as follows: 1 child is 20% 2 children are 25% 3 children are 30%

How is Kentucky child support calculated?

In Kentucky, the child support calculations are based on income of both parties and take into consideration if the receiving part has sole or joint physical custody. A percentage of the parents’ joint income is used in the child support formula. 4 children are 35%. 5 children are 40%.

What is the maximum child support in Kentucky?

At what age does child support stop in Kentucky?


Is nonpayment of child support a felony in Kentucky?

Under current state law, parents who are more than $1,000 or six months behind in child support payments may be charged with felony nonsupport of the child. A felony conviction could mean time in jail where the missed payments will continue to accrue. In Kentucky, the debate over child support reform continues.

Can a father sign over his rights and not pay child support?

However, you should note that voluntary termination of parental rights must usually coincide with an adoption of the children by another parent — a party cannot terminate his or her custodial rights simply to avoid a child support obligation.