How do I obtain my decree absolute?

How do I obtain my decree absolute?

The decree absolute is the legal document that ends your marriage. You need to wait at least 43 days (6 weeks and 1 day) after the date of the decree nisi before you can apply for a decree absolute. Apply within 12 months of getting the decree nisi – otherwise you will have to explain the delay to the court.

What can stop a decree absolute?

“there is a discretionary power under the inherent jurisdiction to delay or stay an application to make a decree absolute, but this jurisdiction can only be exercised if the respondent is able to establish special or exceptional circumstances”.

Do both parties have to sign a decree absolute?

The court will send the Decree Absolute to both parties. The Decree Absolute is the legal document that brings the marriage to the end and confirms that you are formally divorced. If the petitioner does not apply for Decree Absolute within 4½ months, the respondent can apply for this.