Is one sided divorce possible?

Is one sided divorce possible?

The divorce always is filed by one spouse against another , and on service to the other party and his/her failure to be present the case will be heard expartee i.e in absence of the other spouse. such a divorce can be said to be one side else there is no such thing called one sided.

What if husband is not ready for divorce?

You can file a divorce petition under section 13 Hindu marriage act on th grounds of desertion and mental cruelty by your husband in family courts and can have divorce . This is the best ground on which u can seek divorce easily .

How do you divorce if spouse doesn’t want to?

How to Get a Divorce When One Spouse Won’t AgreeDetermine the grounds for divorce. The first step is deciding what grounds you want to use to file. Serve papers on the other party. Once you have completed and filed your petition, you must give notice. Wait the required number of days. Ask for a default judgment. Prepare for trial.