Is there alimony in Kentucky?

Is there alimony in Kentucky?

A judge in Kentucky has the authority to order one divorcing spouse to make ongoing payments to the other divorcing spouse. These payments used to be called alimony, but Kentucky law refers to them as spousal maintenance.

Can I name the other woman in my divorce?

It is generally recommended against naming the third party – it can greatly raise tensions, as well as costs and timescales as there are more parties in the proceedings. It has been far more usual practice for Petitioners to refer to adultery being committed with an unnamed man or woman.

Is seeing someone while separated cheating?

Dating during a marital separation may or may not classify as cheating, depending on the promises made and expectations held by both spouses. In either case, however, dating while technically married can have detrimental legal effects in some states.

Is it cheating if you’re not official?

No, it’s not cheating if you haven’t verbally confirmed you’re in a monogamous relationship but it doesn’t really make sense to go and have sex with somebody else and then think that you can have a good and clear monogamous relationship with the person you’re currently trying to get with.

Can you live with someone while separated?

Legally, while one is separated from one’s spouse, one is NOT supposed to take up residence with another love-interest. This is known as ‘post-separation adultery’.

Is it illegal to date during a divorce?

While there is no law prohibiting dating while going through a divorce, doing so could still affect the legal proceedings between you and your soon-to-be-former spouse in a few ways: If you date a new person, and especially if you move in with them, the court may decide you need less assistance, if any.

What are the five stages of divorce?

The five stages of divorce follow the common five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. When a couple is going through a divorce, both people involved experience these stages at different times, in different ways.

Can I get engaged while going through a divorce?

Yes, it is perfectly legal to get engaged before your divorce is final. A marriage engagement is an oral promise to marry someone. From a strict legal standpoint, being engaged during your divorce process should not affect your divorce outcome.