When can a child decide which parent to live with in Kentucky?

When can a child decide which parent to live with in Kentucky?

The Wishes of the Child – Many people are shocked to learn that Kentucky does not have a specific age when a minor child can decide to live with one parent. The Relationship of the Child with Others in the Child’s Life – This includes parents, siblings, extended family members, and any other connected persons.

Can a father get 50 50 custody?

There is no rule that children must spend equal or “50:50” time with each parent. If you and your former partner agree on the future arrangements for children, you do not have to go to court. You can make a parenting agreement or obtain ‘consent orders’ for parenting orders approved by a court.

Will a judge split up siblings?

A judge typically won’t separate siblings simply because it suits one parent or the other. However, if breaking up the band truly does serve the children’s best interests, it can happen. For instance, if a brother and sister are unable to safely live in the same place, a judge may separate siblings.