Does it matter which party files for divorce?

Does it matter which party files for divorce?

No. Either party to a marriage can apply for divorce. It does not matter whether both parties want a divorce. The main advantage of applying together is that there is then no need for one party to serve the divorce application on the other party.

How is spousal support determined Colorado?

After the court has determined that maintenance is appropriate, it will then identify the amount and length of alimony. This is based on a formula: The amount of maintenance is equal to 40% of the higher income earner’s monthly adjusted gross income, minus 50% of the lower income earner’s monthly adjusted gross income.

How long is spousal maintenance?

Spousal maintenance can be paid in a non-periodic lump sum, or in periodic amounts, such as $200 per week until further Order of the Court, or for 3 years until a party completes a period of further training.

Is spousal maintenance common?

It is common for the issue of spousal maintenance to be considered as part of a property settlement and in addition to a child support assessment. However, in some circumstances, spousal maintenance may be ordered to be paid on a permanent basis.