How much does a divorce cost in Baton Rouge Louisiana?

How much does a divorce cost in Baton Rouge Louisiana?

The found that the average Louisiana divorce cost $12,600. For divorces with minor children, this average rose to $18,900. While the survey did not include the cost for uncontested divorces, these have much lower costs than those that require a large amount of legal work.

How much is it to file for divorce in Louisiana?

The Clerk of Court fees vary from parish to parish, but expect to pay anywhere from $250-$400 to have your Petition for Divorce filed. This includes service and if you can talk with your ex and get them to agree to accept service, you will get a portion of this back.

How do you get legally separated in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, legal separation is only available to couples in a covenant marriage. To file for a legal separation, you must provide the court with a legal reason—or, grounds—for your request. Additionally, you will need to participate in marital counseling before the judge can grant your petition for separation.