Can I leave the state with my child before divorce?

Can I leave the state with my child before divorce?

If there is some type of court action involving the children (divorce, custody, visitation, child support, etc.) that is in process, then it may be illegal for you to take the children out of state, even temporarily, without permission from the judge and/or consent of the other parent.

How do I file for child support in Maine?

Call the Case Initiation Unit at or submit a question through our online form. This free, confidential service is available 24/7.

What happens with back child support when child turns 18?

You should continue paying the same child support amount after your child turns 18 if you owe child support arrears. After a child turns 18 and child support would normally end, all the money you pay as child support goes to pay off the arrears since no new monthly amount is owed.

Can you negotiate back child support?

Some states will offer to waive the interest on back child support or will negotiate a debt settlement after a year of consistent payment of your current court-ordered child support. If you’re proactive, there are options available to lessen the burden and help you pay down the debt.

Is there a statute of limitations on collecting back child support?

What many fail to realize is that there is a 20-year statute of limitations for child support orders entered after Aug. In fact, if a non-custodial parent failed to pay the other parent child support from when the child was 17 to 21 years old, then the other parent can still seek compensation.

Can you negotiate back child support arrears?

The parent in arrears might make an offer to pay a portion of the back support owed in exchange for the other parent agreeing to waive the remaining balance due. However, even if you both agree on terms, only a court can approve a settlement that waives child support owed.