Can I write my own divorce decree?

Can I write my own divorce decree?

Yes, it is possible to file your own divorce and complete the process without the aid of an attorney. However before you commence a do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce, consider these tips.

How do I write my own divorce papers?

Procedure for Filing DIY Divorce PapersKnow which court to file in. Check with the county clerk or with an attorney to see if you meet your state’s residency requirements. Fill out the divorce paperwork. Some states allow you to fill out the forms on a computer and submit online divorce papers.

Can you file for divorce online in Washington state?

Washington Divorce Online allows you to complete your official Washington State Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) of Marriage online. You may then print and file your divorce petition with the court. In most cases you can choose to complete your divorce without a court appearance.

What is a divorce agreement called?

Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA). The purpose of a divorce settlement agreement is to memorialize any agreements reached between divorcing (or separating) spouses as to child custody, child support, alimony (also referred to as “spousal support” or “maintenance”), and the division of property.

What is considered a fair divorce settlement?

A fair settlement must identify marital property and separate property. If one spouse owned property or assets prior to the marriage, and those assets haven’t been commingled, that spouse should receive that property in the divorce settlement. An inheritance or gift received by one spouse is also separate property.

What should I ask for in a divorce settlement?

Considerations to Make About What to Ask for in a Divorce SettlementMarital Home. Life Insurance and Health Insurance Policies. Division of Debt. Private School Tuition and College Tuition. Family Heirlooms and Jewelry. Parenting Time. Retirement Funds.