How do you use a case to find Pacer?

How do you use a case to find Pacer?

Search To search for federal court records, go to “Find a Case.”

How much does a pacer account cost?

$earching PACER: Pay-Per-View Access to court documents costs $0.10 per page. The cost to access a single document is capped at $3.00, the equivalent of 30 pages. The cap does not apply to name searches, reports that are not case-specific and transcripts of federal court proceedings.

Can anyone sign up for Pacer?

It is not exclusive to attorneys and is available to everyone. The View option is what most people choose. To obtain a PACER account, you must complete the online PACER registration form. For immediate access to court records, provide a credit card during registration.

How can I use pacer for free?

When is PACER Free?You access $30 or less worth of court records within a quarter.You are a party in a case and receive a Notice of Electronic or Notice of Docket Activity (one free copy) from a court.You view case information at any federal courthouse.You are an exempted individual or group.

Are pacer searches confidential?

This information will be kept confidential. You also may decide to send us personal identifying information—your mailing address, for example—in a request for information.

Who uses Pacer?

There are currently more than 1 million PACER users, including attorneys, government agencies, researchers, educational and financial institutions and journalists. For lawyers, a PACER account is functionally required for practicing in federal court. But access to these documents is not free.

How do you pull up a federal court case?

Access for All Court dockets and some case files are available on the Internet through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records system (PACER), at In addition, nearly every federal court maintains a website with information about court rules and procedures.

How do I find free federal court cases?

Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. Register for a PACER account.

Are federal court cases open to the public?

All Federal Court hearings are open to the general public and there is seating for that purpose.