How use its in a sentence?

How use its in a sentence?

Some sentence examples of “its” used as a possessive include:This cheese is past its expiration date.Its front door will open when you’re nearby.This book is better than its cover would suggest.In its most basic form, this plan will work.This frog is too small for its aquarium.

Is its correct?

Remember: When the word is a contraction of “it is” or “it has,” the correct choice is it’s. Otherwise, the correct choice is its. The sentence begins with a contraction of “it has” (it’s) and then needs a possessive form (its).

Is AA a word?

Yes, the letter “A” is a word. It is the 6th most common word in the English language. Letters used in a sentence could be part of an abbreviation or initialism where the group of letters are counted as one word even if spoken separately (see initialism vs acronym) such as FBI or CIA.

What is the difference between your and you re?

Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. Your is always followed by a noun or gerund. You’re is the contraction of “you are” and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).

What is the difference between S and S?

Both express possession, of course. We use ‘s with singular nouns. For example, “my son’s toys” will be “the toys that belong to my son”. We use only an apostrophe (‘) after plural nouns that end in -s: “my sons’ toys” means that I have more than one son and these are their toys.

What does a comma after an S mean?

In possessives, the placement of the apostrophe depends on whether the noun that shows possession is singular or plural. Generally, if the noun is singular, the apostrophe goes before the s. If the noun is plural, the apostrophe goes after the s: The witches’ brooms.

What does S mean at the end of a word?

‘(s)’ indicates that there is a possibility of a plural existence. In other words, ‘other(s)’ means there is a possibility of more than one person, so the word should take a plural form, if such a situation occurs. –

Why do we use s in English?

Use an apostrophe followed by “s” (‘s) to show that a singular noun belongs to someone or something. This sentence is referring to something that someone owns. The ‘s means the computer belongs to John. Use an “S” followed by an apostrophe (s’) to show possession of plural nouns or nouns that always end in “s.”