What do you call a woman who sleeps with your husband?

What do you call a woman who sleeps with your husband?

“Any woman who sleeps with a married man is … a whore.” “The woman must be either unthinking or extremely callous to not consider the pain she may well be causing to an entire family.”

Can you love someone and still cheat?

Cheating is not a mistake you make when you truly love someone. Let me just clarify this for a second, in case you missed it the first time: YOU CANNOT CHEAT ON SOMEONE YOU LOVE. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. If you are a person who has cheated on someone and still believes you love that person, you’re about to hear it from me.

What’s a fancy word for cheating?

SYNONYMS FOR cheat 1 mislead, dupe, delude; gull, con; hoax, fool. 8 swindler, trickster, sharper, dodger, charlatan, fraud, fake, phony, mountebank.

What do you call cheating in a relationship?

As there’s no singular relationship, there’s no singular definition of infidelity. And for as long as there have been infidelity, romantic partners have squabbled over what, exactly, counts as cheating.