At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in Massachusetts?

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in Massachusetts?

18 years old

Is Massachusetts a mother State?

It is a common misconception that mothers always obtain custody of the children. Under Massachusetts law, there is no preference given to a parent based solely upon gender. Now, the custody rights of the parents are equal, except when there is an issue concerning parental unfitness.

What do judges look for in custody battles?

Judges must decide custody based on “the best interests of the child.” The “best interests of the child” law requires courts to focus on the child’s needs and not the parent’s needs. The law requires courts to give custody to the parent who can meet the child’s needs best .

Does Child Support decrease if you have joint custody?

Joint custody doesn’t negate a child support obligation. Even if both parents share custody on an equal basis, one parent will inevitably owe some amount in child support. Unless of course both parents earn exactly the same income and spend exactly the same amount of time with the children, which is highly unlikely.

Can you get full custody after joint custody?

Family courts typically prefer joint custody arrangements. But there are extreme circumstances where full custody is necessary. To gain full custody, you must prove that the other parent is unable to properly care for a child. Or, that the other parent presents a risk to that child.

Is child support still paid with joint custody?

50/50 custody arrangements do not necessarily absolve parents of child support obligations. A court will consider the income and earning potential of both parents and order the spouse with the higher income to pay child support.

Is split custody a good idea?

Although critics of shared parenting concede that children whose parents share physical custody enjoy many advantages, they reason that these children do better because their parents have more money and less conflict, not because their children spend nearly equal time with each parent.

Do dads usually get 50 50 custody?

Men usually get 50/50 custody IF the mother wants the father to have 50/50 AND IF the father wants it. Other than that, it’s going to be a battle. If it’s going to be a battle, then fathers are at a disadvantage.

What if one parent makes more money than the non custodial parent?

It is possible, however (though not likely), that if the custodial parent earns more than enough to support the children on his/her own the court could order that the noncustodial has little to no child support obligation. It gets more interesting if the parents are awarded joint physical custody.

Will child support increase if I remarry?

If your children live with you most of the time and you remarry, the income of the new spouse does not affect the amount of child support you receive from the children’s other parent.