Can a child decide which parent to live with in Massachusetts?

Can a child decide which parent to live with in Massachusetts?

It’s common for parents to ask at what age their child can decide custody. In Massachusetts, children can’t decide where they will live until they are at least 18 years old. However, Massachusetts courts must consider a child’s custodial preference when the child is mature enough to have a rational opinion.

What is an unfit parent in Massachusetts?

Generally, if a parent neglects or is unable to provide for the needs and welfare of their child, the court may determine that they are parentally unfit. Claims of parental unfitness often arise from situations involving alleged abuse, abandonment, or domestic violence between parents.

Can dating during divorce affect custody?

If you date during your divorce, especially if that dating has an adverse impact on children, you may have harmed your position with the judge. If you live with someone during the divorce, the court can consider that as a factor in the property division.

What does God say about dating while separated?

Nothing. That’s right, the Bible has zilch to say about dating during separation. The closest Scripture we can find that’s even remotely related to dating while separated occurs in 1 Corinthians 7:10-19: “A wife must not leave her husband. But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else go back to him.