How do I find court records in Massachusetts online?

How do I find court records in Massachusetts online?


  1. Go to and type the letters in the challenge image.
  2. Click the button that says “Click here to search public records.” You’ll then select the court department and court division you’re searching in.

How far back does a background check go in Massachusetts?

7 years

Are police records public in Massachusetts?

One of the services that all police departments provide in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the dissemination of information to the public. Essentially, all records a police department holds, creates, maintains, etc. are presumed to be public records unless a specifically-identified exemption applies.

How far back does a CORI check go in MA?

ten years

Do felonies go away after 7 years?

Given that felonies will show up on your record for seven years when a background check is run, there is only one way to keep criminal convictions from showing up. Most common crimes can be expunged. Many states do not allow violent felony offenders to expunge their records. Some more serious crimes can’t be expunged.

How long does a DUI stay on your record Massachusetts?

10 years

What is the punishment for second DUI in Massachusetts?

A second offense is a misdemeanor. If you are arrested a second time for drunk driving in the State of Massachusetts, you will be fined from $600-$10,000. You will also face from 30 days to 2 1/2 years in prison and have your drivers license suspended for a period of 2 years.

How long does a DUI affect insurance in Massachusetts?

In most states, your DUI will remain visible to your insurance company for five years. Unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere. In Massachusetts, your DUI conviction will remain active on your driving record for an entire decade.

Should you tell your insurance company about a DUI?

Do you have to report a DUI to your car insurance company? Unless the DMV has ordered you to obtain an SR 22, a California Insurance Proof Certificate, you do not have to report your DUI to your insurance company. Although it might not feel like it right now, you are still innocent until proven guilty.

How many points is a DUI in Massachusetts?

5 points

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a DUI?

When you hire a private DUI lawyer, it’s typically to represent you in DMV proceedings and criminal court. However, hiring a private DUI attorney (assuming you can afford one) can be well worth it. Of course, when you’re retaining an attorney, you get to decide who that attorney will be.

Is it worth fighting a DUI?

Yes. Unlike traffic violations like speeding and improper passing, which generally carry fines and sometimes, points on your driver’s license, a DUI can strip you of your driver’s license, saddle you with high fees and fines, and even land you in jail. …

Can a lawyer get you out of a DUI?

An experienced DUI lawyer can help you when it comes to dealing with DUI charges, there’s even a chance they can supply the court with the lawful foundations to dismiss your DUI charges. …

How bad is a DUI?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is the most common criminal offense in the United States. Some long-term consequences of a DUI conviction include: Driver’s License Revocation – A DUI conviction can result in your driver’s license being revoked – up to two years for your first conviction.

Will a first time DUI ruin my life?

Does DUI ruin your life? No, while any DUI, DWI charge will have an affect on a defendant’s life until the case is resolved in court, what a person does before court to fight the charges will be a major determining factor in the extent a DUI will carry.

Does DUI affect your credit score?

A DUI conviction will affect your credit score. The conviction is part of your criminal record held at the Department of Justice and does not appear on the credit report.

Will a DUI charge show up on a background check?

A DUI will show up on most background checks unless you get it expunged. The penalties of DUI go far beyond just the official sentence handed down by the judge. A DUI conviction can serve as a black mark on your reputation—in some cases, it could follow you for years.

Will a DUI show up on a background check after 10 years?

Even if a criminal record is sealed or expunged, a DUI may show up on a driver’s DMV record. For instance, in California, a DUI stays on a driver’s DMV record for ten years. And unlike a criminal record, which can often be expunged or sealed, there is usually no way to get a DUI off of a DMV record.

How can I clean my DUI record?

Clearing the California DUI conviction requires a petition in court, or it will stay on your record indefinitely. Very importantly, you may honestly answer “NO” to a question regarding criminal convictions after the expungement.

Is dismissal the same as expungement?

If your case is dismissed, your record will show that the charges were brought, but that they were later dropped. Also, there will be a history of your arrest. An expungement is when the record of your arrest, and your subsequent criminal case, are destroyed and any public access to this information is eliminated.

Can you get a federal job with a DUI?

The federal government does not deny employment to all individuals with a criminal record. This means that, technically, you may be able to get a government job with a DUI. However, a felony conviction could prevent you from working for the government, and some DUIs are charged as felonies in California.

Does a DUI count as a criminal record?

Drink driving is a criminal offence, which means that you will get a criminal record if you are convicted. As well as coming with a criminal record, being convicted of drink driving means that you will be disqualified from driving and could even face prison in certain circumstances.