How does pre trial work?

How does pre trial work?

Several things may happen at a pretrial hearing. First, the judge may establish some basic rules regarding how the case is to proceed, as well as set a schedule for the trial and any other pretrial matters. The parties may attempt to settle the matter in a civil case, or work out a plea bargain in a criminal case.

What happens if you go to trial and lose?

They are unfamiliar with the law or uncomfortable making decisions in open court before a jury. These judges usually do everything they can to get rid of the case prior to trial. So, if you make them go to trial, and you lose, you might pay the price.

What percentage of trials end in guilty?

90 percent

Why does Japan have a 99 conviction rate?

Conviction rates in Japan exceed 99 percent. Because Japanese judges can be penalized by a personnel office if they rule in ways the office dislikes, perhaps they face biased incentives to convict. Thus, the apparent punishment seems unrelated to any pro-conviction bias at the judicial administrative offices.