How many days do you have to answer a complaint in Massachusetts?

How many days do you have to answer a complaint in Massachusetts?


How do I write a response to a divorce summons?

How do I answer the complaint?Read the summons and make sure you know the date you must answer by.Read the complaint carefully. Write your answer.Sign and date the answer.Make copies for the plaintiff and yourself.Mail a copy to the plaintiff. File your answer with the court by the date on the summons.

What are the divorce laws in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Courts Divide Property Equitably not Necessarily Equally. In Massachusetts, courts may divide marital property equitably (fairly) between the spouses upon divorce. Marital property includes any income, assets, and property acquired by either spouse during the marriage.

Does my husband agree to unreasonable Behaviour?

If your spouse has cited your unreasonable behaviour as the reason for the breakdown of your marriage, and you don’t agree to this then you are legally entitled to defend the allegations.