What does judgment of divorce nisi mean?

What does judgment of divorce nisi mean?

A judgment nisi means a judgment that comes into effect on a specified date unless within a certain time period cause is shown why it should not go into effect. For spouses getting divorced in Massachusetts, the nisi period results in the parties remaining married for 90 days after the Judgment of Divorce is issued.

Are divorce records public in NH?

Divorce records are considered private and confidential, with access limited to those individuals who have a “direct and tangible” interest in the record. The only exception is divorce records more than 50 years old which are considered public and are open to the public.

WHO issues death certificates in Massachusetts?

Death certificates are issued from the city or town clerk where the death occurred. The funeral director may obtain copies of the death certificate for the deceased’s closest legal living relative.

Why would a death certificate be pending?

What does it mean if the death certificate reads “pending?” When the medical or law enforcement investigation is incomplete, a case is placed in a pending status. The most common tests needed are toxicological examinations.

Do nurses see death certificates?

United States: New Law Permits Registered Nurses To Sign Death Certificates When They Are Authorized To Pronounce Death.