When can you get an annulment in Massachusetts?

When can you get an annulment in Massachusetts?

Grounds For an Annulment in Massachusetts one spouse defrauded the other to convince them to marry. one spouse is impotent. one spouse coerced the other spouse to get married. one spouse is mentally incompetent.

Can you sue for adultery in Massachusetts?

Adulterers are not equal to non-adulterer spouses under the law. In Massachusetts, adultery may affect custody if the adultery is proven to have harmed or impaired the children. But, if your spouse starts having affairs again, you can then sue on grounds of adultery.

Does Massachusetts have a Romeo and Juliet law?

Massachusetts, however, has no such Romeo and Juliet exception. Underage children in Massachusetts can face charges for having sex with their peers, and adults who have sex with underage children can be charged with aggravated child rape.

How can adultery be proven?

To prove adultery, the complainant must show both disposition and opportunity. The burden of proof is on the complainant to prove adultery. Because acts of adultery are typically conducted in private settings, the court will permit the complainant to provide proof of adultery by circumstantial inference or presumption.