Where do you file for divorce in Massachusetts?

Where do you file for divorce in Massachusetts?

You can file for a 1A divorce in person or by mail. If you or your spouse lives in the county where you lived together, file the required forms and fees with the Probate and Family Court in that county. Otherwise, file in the county where you or your spouse live now. Find your Probate and Family Court.

What if husband wants divorce and wife doesn’t in India?

Contested Divorce (Divorce without the mutual consent of the partner) In India now adultery is free from criminal offence. But still if one partner is having any kind of physical relationship outside the marriage then in that case husband can apply for the divorce petition in the court.

Can I get divorce without going to court in India?

No it is not possible for you to take divorce legally without going to court. If both parties are ready than go for Mutual Consent Divorce in which case you will have to appear in court only 4 times on different dates. If your marriage is legally solemnized than only way for legal divorce is through Court.

How can I get quick divorce in India?

Divorce by mutual consent is considered to be the quickest and the easy way to get a divorce in India, under Section 13 B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The process under mutual consent divorce is considered to be inexpensive and non-tortuous.