Why are second marriages so hard?

Why are second marriages so hard?

Money, Sex, and In-Laws. The above “big three” issues are the primary problems that plague most first marriages. These same issues also impact subsequent marriages—but even more so. The money problem becomes even more troublesome in second marriages due to child support and spousal maintenance payments.

Why do most marriages fail?

If you think that sexual infidelity is the leading cause of divorce, you’ve got it all wrong. We polled over 100 YourTango experts to see what they say are the top reasons married couples decide to split, and — believe it or not — communication problems came out on top as the number one reason marriages fail.

What are the signs of a bad marriage?

Here are Five Signs that You Need to Let Go of a Bad MarriageYou don’t care about each other’s feelings. That might be hard to say out loud, but you can tell if it’s true or not. You don’t do things together anymore. Your priorities have changed. You’re not resolving your conflicts. You fight in a different way.