Are Oregon divorce records public?

Are Oregon divorce records public?

Oregon divorce records are not public records. All divorce related information is deemed ‘confidential’ by law until 50 years after the divorce has been granted.

How do you ask a woman if she is married?

Informal question “¿Estás casada?” While in a conversation, ask her for her opinion about something common. After she replies say, “¿Y su esposo?” (And your husband?). That way there’s no egg on your face if she is married, and you’ve expressed an interest in her without coming on to her.

How do you ask someone their marital status?

If you ask someone about their relationship status informally, they will probably think of single vs….Hierarchical questions, something like this:Are you married?If yes, does your spouse have the same sex as you?If no, have you ever been married? If yes, did your spouse die or did you divorce each other?

Why would a woman ask me if I’m married?

It means that she wants to know if you are single. This is why most people ask if you’re married. They may also just be making pleasant conversation. There isn’t a big mystery to this question.

Why you shouldn’t ask a woman her age?

It’s rude to ask a woman her age, because women are judged only by what they look like. It’s generally considered rude and puts the person in the position of either feeling as if they have to answer or to refuse to answer which is also awkward for them.

Why would a girl ask me if I’m single?

There is only one reason why a girl would ask if you are single, and that’s because she’s interested in dating you and this is the best way to find out if you’re available. She wants to know if you’re “fair game” for her to approach you for a date.

Is it okay to never marry?

According to the U.S. Census, the number of couples aged 50 and over who simply live together but are not married rose from 1.2 million in 2000 to 2.8 million people in 2010. Whether you’re young or old, it is OK — in some cases, even beneficial — to never get married.

Is it OK to be single forever?

Yes, it is completely fine to be single forever. As much as everyone wants their lives to have a “Happily ever after”, it generally doesn’t happen. With a strong group of friends and family and possibly a pet, being single forever is not a bad thing, and is most certainly okay.

Can a man stay single forever?

There are plenty of upsides (and some downsides) to staying alone forever. Here’s what science has to say about being that guy. Men who stay unmarried make anywhere from 10 to 40 percent less than married men, studies show.