At what age can a child decide which parent they want to live with in Colorado?

At what age can a child decide which parent they want to live with in Colorado?

At What Age Can a Child Decide Which Parent To Live With in Colorado? The judge ruling upon your divorce case will take your child’s wishes into account when determining custody. A child between the ages of 12-14 will be given the opportunity to state which parent they would prefer to live with primarily.

Can a child ask to live with the other parent?

Most states do not specify an age at which a child can choose which parent he or she lives with after a divorce. In general, though, courts do not ask a minor child who he or she prefers to live with after a divorce. However, teenagers may request to move in with the noncustodial parent for a variety of reasons.

Can a 16 year old decide where they want to live?

At 16 years of age, assuming his emotional and intellectual maturity is age appropriate, the son’s wishes would carry a lot of weight with the judge. It would be unusual for the court to rule against his wishes and force him to spend time with either parent if he did not want to.

How can I get out of the house at 16?

Moving Without Being Emancipated. Try coming to an agreement with your parents or guardians first. If you want to move out but do not want to legally emancipate yourself, try to reach an agreement with your parents or guardians. Depending on the circumstances, your family may support your desire to move out.

Can a 15 year old choose to live with a grandparent?

No. Children have no rights as to expressing a choice except in disputes between their parents. Even that is limited – the child does not decide but the court must consider the expressed preference. Grandparent visitation rights are limited and…

Can I choose who I want to live with at 15?

When a child reaches the age of 16 they are legally able to decide where they wish to live unless there is a residence order or child arrangements order specifying living arrangements which lasts until a young person is 18.