Can I get alimony after divorce is final?

Can I get alimony after divorce is final?

After the divorce is final, alimony will continue as stated in your “marital settlement agreement” (a written agreement between spouses that resolves divorce issues) and/or court order awarding alimony, unless one spouse requests a modification or termination of support.

How long do you have to pay spousal support in Michigan?

The duration of payments is determined by a judge in Michigan family court. Alimony length is usually based on length of marriage – one commonly used standard for alimony duration is that 1 year of alimony is paid every three years of marriage (however, this is not always the case in every state or with every judge).

What happens to spousal support after death?

With respect to spousal support (sometimes called alimony), the death of either the supporting party or the supported party terminates an existing spousal support order unless the parties have “otherwise agreed” in writing. It is chargeable against the estate of the deceased payor parent.

Do you lose alimony if you live with someone?

Yes. Cohabitation terminates alimony as long as the couple is living together on a continuing and conjugal basis. Paying spouse must file a motion for termination of alimony. The paying spouse can stop paying as of the date a court finds the cohabitation began.

Do I have to pay alimony when I retire?

You’re not necessarily exempt from paying spousal support simply because you divorced during retirement. However, the courts will take your lowered income into consideration if you have indeed retired. Your alimony payments will be determined by your retirement income, not the income you received prior to retirement.

What is a fair amount of spousal support?

The guideline states that the paying spouse’s support be presumptively 40% of his or her net monthly income, reduced by one-half of the receiving spouse’s net monthly income. If child support is an issue, spousal support is calculated after child support is calculated.