Can you sue for adultery in Illinois?

Can you sue for adultery in Illinois?

Adultery Cases in Illinois While suing a person for criminal conversation or alienation of affection may be possible in some states, it is no longer an option in Illinois. As of Janu, Illinois law no longer recognizes these types of legal actions. However, this law is rarely enforced.

Does adultery affect divorce in Illinois?

The state of Illinois does not accept adultery as a reason to file for divorce. Usually, there is no need to demonstrate that irreconcilable differences exist, and a divorce will be granted if both spouses agree to end the marriage.

Does Illinois have a homewrecker law?

Illinois used to follow alienation of affections laws as well, allowing for damages against an accused homewrecker. But all of the heart balm laws, including those on adultery, were repealed in 2016.

Is being cheated on my fault?

Again, the most important thing to know after you’ve been cheated on is that it’s not your fault. Nothing you did or didn’t do caused your partner to cheat. It’s OK to get mad and to have other strong feelings; in fact, it’s normal for your emotions to be all over the place, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.