How can alimony be avoided?

How can alimony be avoided?

The best way to get out of making alimony payments is to avoid the need to make them in the first place. Many couples that seek to marry opt to protect themselves by drafting up a prenuptial agreement before the marriage is made legal. This document includes full disclosure of each individual’s income.

When can alimony be denied?

Most jurisdictions will allow the court to award alimony after denying or not addressing it where the divorce judgment were reached in error, due to such factors as fraud, accident, or mistake. This might happen when one spouse was hiding assets or where the Court made a math error in calculating alimony.

What happens if I lose my job and can’t pay alimony?

This is a legally-binding court order requiring one of the spouses to pay financial support to the other, lower-earning spouse. If you have been ordered to pay spousal support, you must pay as required and follow the court order. Unfortunately, if you lose your job, making the ordered payments can become impossible.