How do I contact the Go program?

How do I contact the Go program?

Get Started!

  1. With the new Way2Go Card™ you have joined an elite group of cardholders who receive their deposits through the Go Program™.
  2. (
  3. Your funds will be deposited to your prepaid debit MasterCard Way2Go Card™ account.
  4. Enhanced Features of Your Card.

Why is my card getting declined Online?

There is a large number of reasons why a credit card may be declined, from there not being enough funds available on the card, to the card being expired, the billing address being incorrect, etc. Some of the most common errors associated with declined cards are listed below, along with an explanation of their meaning..

Why is my card saying insufficient funds when I have money?

Occasionally, your issuing bank might decline a transaction because of “Insufficient Funds”. After checking your account, you discover that there are funds available for the purchase. This can happen if there are other transactions in your account for which there is temporary authorization.

Why is my credit card declined when I have money?

You’ve reached your credit limit One of the most straightforward reasons your card could have been declined is that you’ve hit the card’s credit limit. The card company simply won’t let you borrow any more money until you’ve made a payment.

How do you fix a declined credit card?

If your credit card is declined, the easiest thing to do is complete your transaction with another payment method—cash, debit card, or another credit card. You can figure out what’s happening with your account once you’re done.

Is getting declined for a credit card bad?

A rejection doesn’t hurt your score. But your score may drop when you apply for a card, even if you’re approved. Getting denied when you apply for a credit card has an extra sting if your credit score drops, too. …

Why is my Visa card not working?

The most common reasons are that the card hasn’t been activated, the cashier is running the wrong type of transaction, the dollar amount being charged is greater than the card’s balance or the credit card processing machine is bumping up the charge amount to either place a hold on the card or to allow for a gratuity.

Why is my visa not working online?

You entered the information incorrectly. You have an old address or phone number still on file. You reached your credit limit. You aren’t up to date on card payments and the issuer cut you off.

What to do if CVV is not working?

Check your payment details for typos, ensuring you have the correct information in each field such as the expiration date and CVV. If that doesn’t resolve your issue please contact your card issuing bank directly and verify you’re entering your payment method information exactly as is recorded with your bank.

Why is my new credit card not working?

Your credit card may be declined if you don’t have enough available credit for the transaction. You can’t make a payment right away to free up some available credit, unless the card is linked to your checking account, so it’s best to use another payment method if you experience this problem.

How do you activate a new credit card?

To activate your new credit card you’ll need the credit card number and your date of birth. You can either activate your card via online banking, phoning the card provider directly or using an ATM machine.

How can I tell if a credit card is still active?

Call Customer Service. The simplest way to clear up any question about whether your credit card is still active is to call the issuer and ask. Call the number on the back of your card to inquire about the status of your account. If inactive, customer service can likely reactivate.

How long do you have to activate a credit card?

The length of time that you have to activate your card will depend on the issuer. American Express gives you 45 days to activate, after which they will deactivate the card and you’ll need to request a replacement card. Chase, on the other hand, gives you 60 days before they simply activate the card for you.

What happens if you don’t activate your new credit card?

What happens if you don’t activate a credit card. Your account is considered open from the date you’re approved for the card. If you don’t activate your card your account will still be open, you just won’t be able to use it.

What if I never use my credit card?

Nothing is likely to happen if you don’t use your credit card for a few months, as long as you make bill payments for any recurring monthly charges. The credit card’s issuer may decide to close your account after a long period of inactivity. You’ll also lose any rewards you’ve yet to redeem when your account is closed.

What if I applied for a credit card and don’t want it?

You can still cancel the card, but the impact on your score will be greater. You want to try and avoid mucking up your score. If you want to refuse the card, but there are others that would work better for you, then you can call the issuer and try and swap it out for a different one.

What is the hardest credit card to get?

American Express Centurion Card

Can I lie about income on credit card application?

Lying about your income on a credit card application and stating a higher income than what you really make might be tempting, but it’s a bad idea. At best, you could have your credit card account closed if the lender finds out. At worst, you could wind up paying big fines or spending time in jail.

Is it better to close a credit card or leave it open with a zero balance?

The standard advice is to keep unused accounts with zero balances open. The reason is that closing the accounts reduces your available credit, which makes it appear that your utilization rate, or balance-to-limit ratio, has suddenly increased.