How do I find out what sentence someone got?

How do I find out what sentence someone got?

If you want to find out about sentencing, you most likely know the court where the proceedings took place, and you might even be able to find the case by docket number because you probably know that as well. Simply visit the court clerk and request a copy of the sentencing record.

How long is a life sentence in Michigan?

As it stands now, prisoners with a parolable life sentence become eligible for parole after 15 years. The parole board will hold a hearing. Usually, that doesn’t end in parole. After that, the board considers the case every five years.

What does SID number mean?

security identifier

What does SID stand for in jail?

By admin in Understanding the System Ap. A sid number is the unique identifying number that the jail assigns to an inmate. This number is used on ALL of his paperwork, booking paperwork, bonds, medical information, court paperwork, everything .

How do you find a SID number?

You can register for a SID number at , or you can check to see if you have a FEMA SID by inputting your information on the Retrieve SID page ( If you already have a FEMA SID, your FEMA SID will be emailed to you.

What is a SID number in Michigan?

The State Identification Number (SID) is an 8 digit number that is assigned when a subject’s fingerprints are submitted to and retained by CJIC for the first time. An individual keeps the same SID for all subsequent lifetime contact with Michigan’s criminal justice network.