How do I respond to divorce papers in Michigan?

How do I respond to divorce papers in Michigan?

To participate in the case, you must file an answer to the divorce complaint by the deadline on the summons. This is 21 days from the date of service if you were served personally (handed the papers) or 28 days from the date of service if you were served by mail or while you were outside of Michigan.

How long does a uncontested divorce take in Michigan?

The average timeline for most divorces in Michigan is about 60 days or two months. However, that estimation is dependent on a variety of factors. A more feasible estimate is between two and nine months.

How long do you have to be married in Michigan to get alimony?

How long you would pay this spousal support is debatable under Michigan alimony laws, but a rule of thumb is one third of the marriage, so in this case about 8 years. This can vary and is based on other factors, but this will give you a general idea of how spousal support works in Michigan.

Does infidelity affect divorce in Michigan?

When it comes to divorce, Michigan is a no-fault state. In fact, the person that filed the divorce can not even mention the affair in the divorce complaint. However, adultery is a felony crime in Michigan. It will only be prosecuted if the victimized spouse files a complaint within one year of the offense.