How do they decide who pays alimony?

How do they decide who pays alimony?

The law obligates you to support yourself to the extent that you reasonably can, taking into account the need to care for children, your health, education, work experience, etc., and alimony is based not just on your need but also on your spouse’s ability to pay what you need and meet his or her own needs.

Is alimony the same thing as child support?

Alimony is money that is paid by one ex-spouse, the “breadwinner,” to the other as ordered by a court in a divorce case. Unlike alimony, child support is the financial obligation that a parent has to his or her child’s custodial parent, to be used solely for the care of the child.

Is alimony calculated before or after child support?

The guideline states that the paying spouse’s support be presumptively 40% of his or her net monthly income, reduced by one-half of the receiving spouse’s net monthly income. If child support is an issue, spousal support is calculated after child support is calculated.

How can I find out if my spouse is hiding money?

Investigate credit card payments A careful analysis of bank statements also can reveal red flags that your spouse is hiding money. Look for wire transfers or electronic payments to accounts you don’t recognize. Also check credit card statements to see where the payments are coming from.