How far back does GIS background check?

How far back does GIS background check?

According to § 605(a)(5) of the Act, consumer reporting agencies cannot provide adverse information, except for criminal convictions, “which antedates the report by more than seven years.” GIS claims that the seven year limitation violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

What shows up on GIS background check?

General Information Services provides virtually every type of screening and background check by using the applicant’s name, birth date and social security number including: Sex offender registry. County, state, national, and federal criminal checks. County and federal civil checks.

What disqualifies you from working for USPS?

However, a negative decision in any of the eligibility factors — age, Selective Service System registration, driving record, qualifying test, driver’s license review, drug screening, or English competence — disqualifies an applicant from proceeding in the hiring process.

Does USPS hire ex felons?

The Postal Service recognizes that many persons with criminal records have demonstrated successful rehabilitation and are capable of performing the duties of postal jobs. These applicants are entitled to compete for jobs on individual merits. The short answer is yes, the USPS says they’re willing to hire felons.

Is it hard to get hired at USPS?

Not difficult but there are some requirements that have to be met. You need to have a clean drug test, no felonies in your background, be willing to work hard, lifting requirements for different jobs. You will have to be flexible with your work days because most jobs are part time at girst. Good luck.

Can you work for the post office with a DUI?

No they do not. You cannot drive with a DUI until 7 years has past. However you can be a clerk or mail handler with a misdemeanor.

Does USPS check employment history?

USPS doesn’t care so much about you’re employment history as it does about your criminal history. Be as accurate as you can of course with your employment history. They will also want to know every address you have lived at within the last 10 years.