How long is spousal maintenance?

How long is spousal maintenance?

Spousal maintenance can be paid in a non-periodic lump sum, or in periodic amounts, such as $200 per week until further Order of the Court, or for 3 years until a party completes a period of further training.

Is spousal maintenance common?

It is common for the issue of spousal maintenance to be considered as part of a property settlement and in addition to a child support assessment. However, in some circumstances, spousal maintenance may be ordered to be paid on a permanent basis.

Do I have to pay spousal support if she remarries?

The remarriage or re-partnering of the support recipient does have an effect on spousal support under the current law, but how much and when and why are less certain. Remarriage does not mean automatic termination of spousal support, but support is often reduced or suspended or sometimes even terminated.

What’s the difference between alimony and maintenance?

Alimony may be paid to the spouse in lump sum as cash or any other kind of payment method, as well as in form of property after the divorce is finalised. Unlike alimony, maintenance is only paid in form of cash or any other kind of payment method and the husband cannot pay maintenance to wife in form of property.