How much does a divorce lawyer cost in Michigan?

How much does a divorce lawyer cost in Michigan?

The attorney fees vary with the complexity of the case and the success of negotiations. Most divorces will cost between $2,500 and $5,000 in any case. A highly contested divorce could cost ten times that ($20,000 to $50,000) or more. That is one of the reasons that mediation and compromise are so attractive.

What should I not tell my divorce attorney?

One cardinal rule any divorce attorney will tell you: never hide money, property or debts. It will, without question, come out in the process of discovery. There are many tools that attorneys and the courts can use to get to hidden information including depositions, financial investigations with experts and subpoenas.

Is there a way to force a divorce?

Typically, if you and your spouse have reached a divorce settlement agreement on all of your issues, you can bring your agreement and any necessary divorce paperwork to court, where a judge will review it, issue orders based on that agreement, and grant you a divorce.

Is your spouse liable for your debt in Michigan?

As Michigan is not a community property state, if a loan or credit card was held only in the name of the deceased spouse, the surviving spouse is not responsible for the debt. Even one late payment can affect your credit score.