How much is average child support in Michigan?

How much is average child support in Michigan?

For those children that received some payments, the average monthly payment is almost $250 and they received payments for an average of eight and a half months in the year. Can non-custodial parents who don’t pay child support have parenting time?

Does new husband’s income affect child support?

The income of the receiving parent’s new partner is not relevant to the decision making process even though the reality often is that this partner is also substantially supporting the receiving parent and any child support children.

Will child support increase if I remarry?

If your children live with you most of the time and you remarry, the income of the new spouse does not affect the amount of child support you receive from the children’s other parent.

How does child support work with two mothers?

A parent can meet the costs of each child by paying child support, by directly caring for the child or by a combination of the 2. The multi-case allowance recognises the costs of a child in another case, not the amount of child support payable. The multi-case allowance is rounded to the nearest dollar (section 156).

Does first child get more child support?

In this situation, if the court finds that the second job was acquired to support the other children, the court is not likely to increase child support for the first child based on the new income.