Is a marriage worth saving after infidelity?

Is a marriage worth saving after infidelity?

If you can see through your anger, sadness, or whatever other emotions you’re having that led you to consider divorce, and still feel respect for your spouse, then your marriage is definitely worth saving.

Can a marriage be saved after multiple affairs?

Of course, not all marriages can or should be saved after infidelity, says Janis Abrahms Spring, therapist and author of “After the Affair.” While some people “learn the lessons of the affair” and go on to rebuild solid marriages, others do not, she says: “Some people don’t learn lessons and continue having affairs and …

Why do cheaters blame their spouse?

Quite often the men say it’s because their partner has lost interest in them, sexually. Women most often blame a lack of emotional intimacy for why they suddenly became erotically entangled with another man. “He understands me and listens to me in a way that my husband (or boyfriend) doesn’t,” is the common refrain.

What is the wife of an adulterous husband called?

A woman who cheats on her husband is an “adulteress”. An adulterer commits adultery with his “mistress”, or “lover”, or “paramour” or “girlfriend”.

Why do cheaters get angry when caught?

A person who cheated someone, will carry a sense of guilt and be wary of not being caught. These people are completely aware of the consequences of their actions. Getting caught cheating is a shameful act. Cheaters become furious when caught because of the number of people they’ve hurt in the process.