What age can a child decide to stop visitation in Michigan?

What age can a child decide to stop visitation in Michigan?

In Michigan the child must be an adult, age 18, before he/she can decide with whom they will live.

How many overnights is every other weekend?

Instead, only Friday and Saturday nights from the every other weekend schedule count. Thus, take 52 overnights and divide by 365 days in the year.

Why do dads only get every other weekend?

The alternating weekends schedule was established in order to give both parents the opportunity to spend time with their child on weekends. Unless the other parent agrees, it’s unlikely that a judge will give you every single weekend.

Can a father get more than every other weekend?

The missing days can be made up with extra time during vacation. It means it says in your custody agreement the father gets visitation every other weekend or that’s what the parents have agreed upon outside the court room.

How hard is it for a dad to get joint custody?

For a father, custody can be difficult to win, even though the courts do not discriminate against dads. Whether you are a father going for full custody or joint custody, you should be prepared for a difficult child custody battle, especially if the child’s other parent is also filing for custody.