What are the alimony laws in Michigan?

What are the alimony laws in Michigan?

There is no formula for calculating spousal support in Michigan. Spousal support is decided entirely by the court after evaluating 12 factors. These include each spouse’s age, health, needs, and earning capacity; each party’s conduct and contributions during the marriage; how the marital property was divided; and more.

Can you go back to court for more alimony?

Judges can also grant a party a reservation of alimony, which means that party can come back to the court within a designated time frame and request a continuation of alimony. In some states, courts can retain jurisdiction to modify support based on a material change of circumstances.

How much tax do you have to pay on alimony?

The spouse receiving the alimony payments is not required to pay taxes on those payments like other earned income, as it is already being paid by the supporting spouse. Prior to 2018, alimony was treated as income, just as wages and salaries are treated, and generally taxed somewhere between ten and thirty percent.