What does pretrial mean in a divorce?

What does pretrial mean in a divorce?

The pretrial hearing is the last step before trial. At this point in the divorce process, you and your spouse have worked out most of the details. This allows the judge time to review the evidence and ask more detailed questions of your attorney during the hearing.

What is a final pretrial?

At the final pretrial conference (also called a settlement conference), all parties meet with the Court prior to trial for the purpose of effecting an amicable settlement or, if a settlement is not achieved, to narrow the legal issues for trial and set a date for trial to begin.

What happens in a divorce trial in Illinois?

Other than the absence of a jury, a divorce trial operates very similarly to how a civil trial: each attorney gives an opening statement, testimony and and documentary evidence is presented to the court by the parties, and if witnesses are called they can be cross-examined by the other attorney.

How should I behave in a divorce court?

Though you will be nervous, with a little common sense, your courtroom conduct can make a favorable impression on the court and advance your case.Arrive Early.Dress Appropriately. Turn Off Your Cell Phone.Keep a Poker Face.Be Clear and Confident.Know When To Shut Up! Show interest.

What colors are best to wear to court?

Best Color to Wear to Court It’s also best not to wear black, since that can seem cold and authoritative, removing a sense of sympathy for the individual. The best color to wear to court for men and women is either dark blue or dark gray, since these colors are formal, professional, and neutral.

How should I wear my hair to court?

Both short and long hair should be styled neatly and out of the face. Those with long hair can pull it back or wear it loose, but if it tends to get frizzy or to get in your face, pulling it back neatly is better. Men should keep their beards shaved or trimmed.