What does pro se mean in a divorce?

What does pro se mean in a divorce?

A pro se divorce is where a litigant represents themselves for the divorce without the aid of an attorney. “Pro se” and “pro per” mean the same thingthey refer to self-representation in court, and the words pro se and pro per come from Latin phrases.

How do you greet a judge?

In person: In an interview, social event, or in court, address a judge as “Your Honor” or “Judge [last name].” If you are more familiar with the judge, you may call her just “Judge.” In any context, avoid “Sir” or “Ma’am.” Special Titles.

What do you call a female judge?

Judges of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court are addressed as My Lord, or My Lady, or Your Lordship, or Your Ladyship, depending on the grammatical context. Masters and registrars of the Supreme Court are addressed as Your Honour. Provincial Court judges are also called Your Honour.

What is the best color to wear to court?

Best Color to Wear to Court It’s also best not to wear black, since that can seem cold and authoritative, removing a sense of sympathy for the individual. The best color to wear to court for men and women is either dark blue or dark gray, since these colors are formal, professional, and neutral.

Can a judge refuse to look at evidence?

Without additional information—in general, if the evidence pertains to the case—good or bad—the judge cannot refuse to have it considered—entered into evidence—as part of a trial—and if they do so—a higher court might over-turn the verdict on appeal—either causing a new trial—or a not guilty finding to be issued.

What are the 4 types of evidence?

Generally speaking, there are four main kinds of evidence. These are testimonial, documentary, demonstrative, and what’s called real evidence. Testimonial evidence is the type that you generally see on television. It is oral evidence.

What do judges base their decisions on?

The American legal system is a Common Law system, which means that judges base their decisions on previous court rulings in similar cases. Therefore, previous decisions by a higher court are binding, and become part of the law.

What are the 5 types of evidence?

And even some evidence that is not admissible on its own may be admissible in conjunction with other types of evidence.Analogical Evidence. Anecdotal Evidence. Character Evidence. Circumstantial Evidence. Demonstrative Evidence. Digital Evidence. Direct Evidence. Documentary Evidence.

What are the two major types of evidence?

There are two types of evidence — direct and circumstantial. Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.

How much evidence is enough?

Preponderance of the evidence requires tipping the scales of justice just over 50%, like 50.01%. Proof by a preponderance of the evidence is required in nearly all negligence cases, accident cases and injury cases even where damages are catastrophic.